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AIA guide to the architecture of Washington, D.C

900 din

Beograd | Novi Bg.
Dostupno odmah
pre 14 dana
Odgovara na 75% poruka, uglavnom u roku od 15 minuta.
Član od 31.10.2014.
Svi oglasi

AIA guide to the architecture of Washington, D. C / G. Martin Moeller Jr.

Baltimor, Merilend - SAD / London, Velika Britanija 1994. Mek povez, engleski jezik, ilustrovano, XI + 308 strana.
Knjiga je odlično očuvana.


"A new guidebook to the capital city's architecture brings powerful evidence of the continuing evolution of Washington's streetscape. "

( Washington Post)


"This handsomely illustrated guide covers not only the monuments of the Mall but also the diplomatic chateaux lining Massachusetts Avenue, NW; the churches, parks, and other monumental architecture that climb up Meridian Hill; and the 'brutalism on a grand scale' that characterizes the new FBI building and other bureaucratic monstrosities. "

( Washington Times)


"The model of what a concise, attractive guidebook should be. "

( Mid-Atlantic Country)


"Accessible to architects and tourists alike, and perhaps especially locals. "

( Roll Call)


"Although the guide is designed for the pedestrian, all but the most tireless trekkers will want to use the Metro subway system to get to at least some of the sites. "

( Bloomsbury Review)

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