Prodajem Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 6 (12 generacije) u crnoj, zelenoj i rozoj boji i Kindle Paperwhite 5 (11 generacije) od 8GB/16GB, vodootporan-IPX8, uređaj je nov, fabričko pakovanje (neotpakovan, slike u prilogu) u crnoj boji uz njega ide garancija u trajanju od 12 meseci. Lično preuzimanje moguće je isključivo u Beogradu (TC Ušce ili Delta City) i Novom Sadu po dogovoru (danas za sutra), takođe, moguće je slanje Post Express (Bex, Aks. . . ) pouzećem, tj. kao otkupnu pošiljku ili nakon uplate na žiro račun.
Uz uređaj ide garancija u trajnaju od 12 meseci, plus poklon knjige kome su potrebne (linkovi ka istima).
Sve slike u oglasu su od Kindle Paperwhite 6 (12 generacije), za ostala pitanja/slike pisati ili pozvati.
Cena uređaja:
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 6 (12 generacijei) crni, zeleni i rozi-200eur.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 6 Kids (12 generacije) sa plavo-crvenom (Cyber City) i žuto-plavom futrolom (Starfish), zadnje slike u prilogu)-220eur.
Amazon Kindle 11 Kids 16GB (11 generacije), (ad free) crni, plavi, rozi (sa futrolom) -150eur.
Amazon Kindle 11 16GB (11 generacije) 2024 crni i zeleni (sa 25% boljim osvetljenjem ekrana)-150eur.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 5 8GB (11 generacije) crni-150eur.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 5 16GB (11 generacije) crni, plavi, zeleni-160eur.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 5 Kids 16GB (11 generacije) (ad free) crni, zeleni-180eur.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 5 Signature Edition (11 generacija) (ad free) 32GB crni-200eur.
Specifikacija Kindle Paperwhite 6 (12 generacije):
Display: Amazon's 7” Paperwhite display technology with built-in light, 300 ppi, optimized font technology, 16-level gray scale.
Size: 5” x 7” x 0.3” (127.6 x 176.7 x 7.8 mm)
System Requirements: None; fully wireless and doesn't require a computer to download content
On-Device Storage: 16GB ; holds thousands of books
Cloud Storage: Free cloud storage for all Amazon content
Battery Life: A single charge lasts up to twelve (12) weeks, based on a half hour of reading per day with wireless off and the light setting at 13. Battery life may vary depending on use. Audible audiobook streaming over Bluetooth will reduce battery life.
Charge Time: Fully charges in approximately 5 hours from a computer via USB cable; Fully charges in less than 2.5 hours with a 9W USB power adapter.
Wi-Fi Connectivity: Supports 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz networks with support for WEP, WPA and WPA2 security using password authentication or Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). Does not support connecting to ad-hoc (or peer-to-peer) wifi networks.
Content Formats Supported: Kindle Format 8 (AZW3), Kindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PMP through conversion; Audible audio format (AAX).
U kutiji se nalazi:
1xKindle Paperwhite 6 (12th gen).
1xUSB C charging cable
1xQuick Start Guide
Kontakt: teew39135@gmail. com