Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogs are the go-to reference for stamp collectors worldwide. Renowned for their comprehensive coverage and detailed illustrations, these catalogs provide valuable information on postage stamps from around the globe, including their history, design, and current market value. Updated annually, they are an essential tool for both novice and experienced philatelists, offering insights into the fascinating world of stamp collecting and aiding in the identification and valuation of stamps for collectors and dealers alike.
Preko 4500 strana ! !! Vece od A4 formata.
3 knjiga ima neku manju fleku na poslednjoj strani/koricama, vidi se na slici, inace neotvoreno
-lično u Zemunu po dogovoru
- nakon uplate na TEKUĆI RAČUN po dogovoru, post expresom; trošak poštarine snosi kupac
- ne šaljem pouzećem
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